1. Argentine Ants
Argentine ants could become a large threat, as the colony size can become monumental, sometimes covering entire habitats. Unlike other ant species, the Argentine ant queen also forages for food. A musty odour characterizes the ant when crushed. These ants can grow up to one sixteenth of an inch long, where as the queen can grow up to one quarter of an inch long.
2. Caribbean Crazy Ants
These unique ants get their name from scurrying around erraticaly when searching.
3. Carpenter Ants
This obvious name comes from the strong odour that the ants excrete when crushed. The smell is similar to rotting coconut. Their sizes range from one sixteenth of an inch to one eighth of an inch long.
4. Pavement Ants
Pavement ants get their name from nesting underneath pavements or in cracks in pavement. They can also inhabit structures.
5. Red Imported Fire Ants
These ants make their nests in soil while building mound nests. They are commonly found in garages.
For More Information Please Visit at: Ants control Dubai